
alpinocorpus is a C++ library for creating, quering, and reading Alpino corpora. The library also includes a plain C wrapper, which is convenient for writing bindings for other languages, and a handful of command-line utilities that replicate the functionality of Dact.


Mac OS X

alpinocorpus and its dependencies can be installed through Homebrew:

brew tap rug-compling/dact
brew install alpinocorpus

Afterwards, you will have all of alpinocorpus available, including manual pages. If you want the latest development version, use:

brew install --HEAD alpinocorpus


To install alpinocorpus on Ubuntu, use the Dact PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danieldk/dact
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libalpino-corpus-dev alpino-corpus-util


Believe me, you don't want to go through this! Buy a Mac or run Ubuntu in a virtual machine. We may include the command-line utilities in a future release of Dact.

Manual pages